Top 10 Haircare tips Every girl should know

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Long and straight hair never out of fashion. All girls dream of having strong and silky hair. But we do not care properly our hair that’s why our hair looks like dull, damaged and lifeless hair and also have hair fall problem. 

As we know if we follow a proper hair care routine then we should own long, thick, and silky shiny hair. But we also know some hair tips that our life becomes easier for maintaining our hair in today’s busy life.

So let start the top 10 tips every girl should know to maintain our hair. Also, these tips helpful to all hair issues like hair fall problems and grows hair faster. These tips are basic tips to maintain healthy hair.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

 1)Oiling your hair once in a week.

As we know some people are don’t like oiling their hair. But oiling is most important to keep strong and healthy hair. You can oil your hair one hour before shampooing or before the night of shampooing. Oiling is very important for dry hair and nourishes the root and scalp. So don’t skip this step. You may use Coconut oil, olive oil, and castor oil or any readymade oil but make sure your oil is natural and harsh chemical-free.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

2)The proper way of applying conditioner :

After shampooing we often forget to apply conditioner. The conditioner is a must after shampooing if you want to get silky and shiny hair. Do not apply conditioner on your scalp. Apply only your middle to the end of the hair and after keeping 5 to 10 minutes wash your hair thoroughly.
Conditioner gives smooth and frizz-free hair. Make sure to use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner because sulfate is a bad chemical to reduce your natural oil from your hair and keep hair dry and frizzy.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

Must have good hair mask:

Once a week or once in 15 days you must apply a hair mask either homemade hair mask or store-bought hair mask which you like. A hair mask gives a deep conditioning effect on your hair.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

4)Always braid your hair before sleeping at night:

All of you must remember if you open your hair at night then in the morning you see tangles your hair and hair fall problem occurs at the time detangle your hair. 

So make sure always make braid your hair before sleeping at night because braid is a healthy hairstyle, there is no chance of breakage of hair fall due to tangle.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

5)Do not use others comb :

You should use your own personal comb. Do not use other comb or not share your personal combs. It might create a scalp infection or many hair issues.It is also important clean your comb once in a week to maintain hygiene and Heathy hair.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

6)Always use silk pillow cover:

Always use silk pillow cover which has less friction, less friction means less damage of hair and you might save from hair fall issue.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

7)Do not wash your hot water:

Do not wash your hair hot water. It dries out your hair and pulls moisturizer from your hair. A big no for hot water. Many of you are shower a hot water in winter due to cold but in winter make sure you should use lukewarm water.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

8)Cut your split ends:

If you have split ends then trim your split ends. Having split ends means does not grow hair and hair looks dry and damaged. So regularly trim your hair.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

9)Don’t comb wet hair:

Many girls after washing their hair instantly comb their hair. Don’t do this again because wet hair is very weak if we comb the wet hair then it might break out or having hair fall issue. Make sure using wide comb to comb your damp hair.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

10)Avoid styling tools:

Avoid hair straightener and blow dryer and other heat tools because these tools are damaged our hairs. Excessing with blow drying is damage your hair locks, as overheating hair with styling tools damage your hair in the long run.

As we all love to look stylish in any function so we use straightener and curler but make sure if possible avoid these hair styling tools if not then minimize hair styling tools. Because using these tools you will cause harm to your hair and scalp in the long run. 

Try to avoid heat styling products on a daily basis. Always using heat protection spray before hair styling, it is mandatory.

Top 10 hair care tips every girl should know

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