Glowing Skin Secrets that you did not know

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Here are some secrets of glowing skin you did not know. Healthy and glowing skin is every girl’s dream. Getting healthy skin you should drink a lot of water and using the right product according to your skin.

1)Proper amount of sleep:

You tried many remedies for getting glowy skin but getting the result you should take care of your diet and enough sleep. When you getting your beauty sleep then the skin does not look dry and dull skin looks glowing.

2)Vitamin C is a must:

Yes, you heard right vitamin c plays important role in getting glowing skin.You should take fruit juice which includes vitamin c.Fruit such as strawberries, orange, lemons, blackberries and any other fruit that is rich in Vitamin C.They are full of antioxidants and citric acid which helps brighten your skin lightens blemishes, boosts collagen and adds instant sheen to your skin. This is the reason Vitamin C is being used in several skincare products. 

Glowing Skin Secrets that you did not know

3)Exfoliate your skin:

Exfoliate your skin twice a week because exfoliation removed the dead cell from the skin and gives glowing and healthy skin. Scrubbing your face is important. You can pick a scrub for your skin type and exfoliate according to your skin’s requirement. If you have oily or combination skin, you need to exfoliate twice a week, if you have dry skin or sensitive or normal skin, once a week is recommended.

4)Using facial oil every night:

Glowing Skin Secrets that you did not know

The best time to pamper your skin with a night time skincare routine. Your night time skincare routine must involve a face oil or serum that hydrates your skin from within and lends a glow to your dull skin. Facial oil helps brighten your skin complexion, improve elasticity and helps you attain a healthy glow on your skin.

This blog post is part of blogchatterA2Z challenge.

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