Applecider vinegar for haircare:Benefits and how to use

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Apple cider vinegar(ACV) is a most popular health food.ACV is made from Apple using fermentation process.It is used for skin care, haircare and health.In this article I listed about benefits and  how Apple cider Vinegar used for haircare.


It improves scalp health, strengthen hair and add shine to your hair. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. Acetic acid has natural antimicrobial benefits, which helps to treat bacterial and fungal infections on the scalp and restore scalp health.
It deals with different hair issues like itchy scalp, hair breakage.
It creates shine and protects colour.ACV smooths and seals the hair cuticle, making it ideal for reaching high shine levels. 
It clarifies the scalp and adds volume
Acv has antibacterial properties which is the best remedy for dandruff.
It maintains ph level of the scalp.

Applecider vinegar for haircare:Benefits and how to use

How to use apple cider vinegar for haircare:

Apple cider vinegar for smooth hair:

Mix a 2 tbsp  of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 tbsp of water.

First apply shampoo and then nourish your hair with conditioner.Then rinse hair with this mixture.and

Let it sit for a couple of minutes.

Rinse it out.

Apple cider vinegar for For dandruff free hair:

Combine one tbsp apple cider vinegar and one tbsp lemon juice and apply it root of the hair

Apple cider vinegar for hair growth:

4 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Take a bowl and mix the ingredients both well and take the mixture and gently massage in to the scalp.
Wait for 20 minutes and then wash your hair with mild shampoo.

Applecider vinegar for haircare:Benefits and how to use

Apple cider vinegar for hair loss:

1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp of baking soda
3 tbsp baking water
Mix both the ingredients in water to make a fine paste.
Apply this paste on to your scalp.
Keep this paste on your hair for 10 minutes finally wash off with water.

This blog post is part of blogchatterA2Z challenge.

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