Some skin care tips for flawless skin

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1.cut the slice in to potato and massage on to your sliced potatoes on your face daily.

2.Do you know wheat flour has amazing benefits on your skin.after strain the wheat flour and take a boil add on to wheat flour(chokade),curd,turmeric,lemon juice and honey mixing all and make a smooth paste and apply on your face.After drying scrub your face and wash your face.

3.Gram flour,turmeric and milk adding these and make a smooth paste and apply on your face.

4.Cocounut oil and water mixing in equal ratio and massage on to your body .it will reduce dryness.

5.Ripped banana and honey mixing these and make a paste and apply on your face.

6.Before going to bed mixing milk and rose water and apply with cotton on your face and washit off.

7.Apply homemade face pack once in  a weeek.

8.Apply riped papaya on your face.

9.Boiled the palang shag and strained that water and apply on your face and neck.

10.Mixing with tomato juice and lemon juice and apply that tighend your pores. also use ice cubes.

11.boiled the tea leaves in water and that water apply on your eyes .it will reduces dirkcircles.

12.rice water apply on your face.

13.mulli seeds and honey mixing these and apply on your face.

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